


$cookie = $query ->cookie(' name ')


Defines or retrieves a cookie. See also header.


Name of the cookie (required).

Using named parameters, the syntax is:

$cookie = $query->cookie(-name=>'name',
print $query->header(-cookie=>$cookie);

A value to assign to the cookie. You can supply a scalar value, or a reference to an array or hash. If omitted, a cookie is retrieved rather than defined.


Specify an expiration timestamp (such as +3d for 3 days). Values for expcode are:

n s

n seconds

n m

n minutes

n h

n hours

n d

n days

n M

n months

n Y

n years

day_of_week, dd-MMM-YY hh:mm:ss GMT

At the specified time


Expire immediately.


The partial URL for which the cookie is valid. Default is the current URL.


The domain for which the cookie is valid.


Only use this cookie for a secure session.

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