Regular Expressions

JavaScript 1.2 supports regular expressions, using the same syntax as Perl 4. A regular expression is specified literally as a sequence of characters within forward slashes (/), or as a JavaScript string passed to the RegExp() constructor. The optional g (global search) and i (case-insensitive search) modifiers may follow the second / character, or may be passed to RegExp().

The following table summarizes regular expression syntax:

Character Meaning
\n, \r, \t

Match literal newline, carriage return, tab

\, \/, \*, \+, \?, etc.

Match a special character literally, ignoring or escaping its special meaning

[ . . . ]

Match any one character between brackets

[^ . . . ]

Match any one character not between brackets


Match any character other than newline

\w, \W

Match any word/nonword character

\s, \S

Match any whitespace/nonwhitespace

\d, \D Match any digit/nondigit
^, $

Require match at beginning/end of a string, or in multiline mode, beginning/end of a line

\b, \B

Require match at a word boundary nonboundary


Optional term; match zero or one time


Match previous term one or more times


Match term zero or more times

{ n }

Match previous term exactly n times

{ n,}

Match previous term n or more times

{ n,m }

Match at least n but no more than m times

a | b Match either a or b
( sub )

Group subexpression sub into a single term, and remember the text that it matched


Match exactly the same characters that were matched by subexpression ...

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