


<frameset> ... </frameset>

Define a collection of frames or other framesets.


border =n

Set size in pixels of frame borders within a frameset. Default border width is five pixels.

bordercolor =color

Set the color for frame borders in a frameset.

cols =list

Specify the number and width of frames within a frameset.

frameborder = [yes|no]

Enable or disable the displaying of 3D borders or regular borders for frames. The default is yes (3D borders).

frameborder = [1|0]

Enable or disable the displaying of 3D borders for frames within a frameset. The default is 1 (borders on).

framespacing =n

Add additional space between adjacent frames in pixels.

onblur =applet

Specify an applet to be run when the mouse leaves this frameset.

onfocus =applet

Specify an applet to be run when the mouse enters this frameset.

onload =applet

Specify an applet to be run when this frameset is loaded.

onunload =applet

Specify an applet to be run when this frameset is unloaded.

rows =list

Specify the number and height of frames within a frameset.

See Chapter 4 for more information on using frames.

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