
It is our pleasure to acknowledge the assistance of many friends and colleagues who encouraged us to complete this book and provided constructive criticism of the manuscript. Our thanks to our editor, Brett McLaughlin, and to Deepak Vohra for reviewing drafts of our chapters. Melissa Chaika, formerly of BEA, was kind enough to keep us updated on current and future changes to WebLogic Server. We’d also like to thank the production staff at O’Reilly. Mary Brady and her team did a super job of transforming an ugly manuscript into a good-looking book.

Many people have dispensed with their free time and energy to respond to our queries on WebLogic’s newsgroups over the years. These include Joe Weinstein, Tom Barnes, Bruce Stephens, Slava Imeshev, Cameron Purdy, Rob Woolen, and Andy Piper. We’d also like to thank those who took the time to review drafts of this manuscript because this book owes a lot to their thoughts and ideas. We are particularly grateful to many folk at BEA who took time out of their busy schedules to help us: Joe Weinstein, Tom Barnes, Sanjeev Chopra, Cedric Beust, Peter Bower, and Tony Vlatas. Cameron was also gracious enough to review a chapter at short notice.

On a more personal note, Jon would like to thank his wife for the constant support and nourishment through trying conditions, and the Cowan family of Eastside Farm for their company, kindness, and excellent Lagavulin.

Avinash would like to thank his family and friends for their support and understanding, not just throughout the time he has been involved with this book, but also in helping him to get through his father’s death. He would have liked his dad to just hold the final manuscript, even if the contents inside wouldn’t have made much sense to him.

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