Timer MBeans

JMX provides a standard timer service API, which can be used to generate notifications at set times or intervals. WebLogic 8.1 implements this service by extending the standard JMX timer service, enabling it to run with WebLogic execute threads and any associated security context.

To use this service, you must use an instance of the weblogic.management.timer.Timer class. The following example illustrates how to create an instance, register a listener, register a notification for when an event should be emitted, and start the timer:

Timer timer= new Timer( );
// Register a standard notification listener
                          null, "handback object");
// Start in one second
Date start = 
  new Date((new Date( )).getTime( ) + 1000L);
// Repeat every minute, please
notificationId = timer.addNotification("eggTimer",
              "someString", this, start, 3*Timer.ONE_MINUTE
// Start the timer
timer.start( );

Note that you may register any standard notification listener that we have already encountered. The type of the notification is TimerNotification. The only tricky bit is the call to the addNotification( ) method, which lets you set up the timer schedule. You can invoke this method as many times as you like to add multiple schedules to the timer. One of the method signatures looks like this:

Integer addNotification (java.lang.String type, java.lang.String message,
            java.lang.Object userData,java.util.Date startTime,
            long period, long numOccurences)

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