C.2. Operators

JavaScript Arithmetic Operators


JavaScript Assignment Operators

+=Increment assignment
-=Decrement assignment
*=Multiplication assignment
/=Division assignment
%=Modulus assignment

JavaScript Comparison Operators

==Is equal to
===Exactly equal to, in value and type
!=Is not equal to
!==Is not exactly equal to
>Is greater than
<Is less than
>=Is greater than or equal to
<=Is less than or equal to

JavaScript Logical Operators


JavaScript Bitwise Operators

<<Left shift
>>Right shift
>>>Zero fill right shift

JavaScript Miscellaneous Operators

.Object/property/method separator
?Condition operator
,Specify multiple expressions in place of one expression. For example, you can use this operator to specify two variables to initialize at the beginning of a for loop:
for (x=0, y=0; x<=20; x++) {
 // loop code
deleteDelete specified object
newCreate new object
thisReference current object
typeofType of object (number, string, and so on)
voidEvaluate expression without return value

String Operators


Escape Characters

\'Single quote
\"Double quote
\fForm feed
\rCarriage return

The backslash can also be used to escape any character simply by prefixing the character with a backslash.

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