F.22. Miscellaneous

get_browser([string browser_name [, bool return_array]])
mixedGets information about the capabilities of a browser.
constant(string const_name)
mixedGiven the name of a constant this function returns the constant's associated value.
getenv(string varname)
stringGets the value of an environment variable.
putenv(string setting)
boolSets the value of an environment variable.
getopt(string options [, array longopts])
arrayGets options from the command line argument list.
voidFlushes the output buffer.
sleep(int seconds)
voidDelays for a given number of seconds.
usleep(int micro_seconds)
voidDelays for a given number of micro seconds.
time_nanosleep(long seconds, long nanoseconds)
mixedDelays for a number of seconds and nanoseconds.
highlight_file(string file_name [, bool return] )
boolSyntax highlights a source file.
php_strip_whitespace(string file_name)
stringReturns source with stripped comments and whitespace.
php_check_syntax(string file_name [, &$error_message])
boolChecks the syntax of the specified file.
highlight_string(string string [, bool return] )
boolSyntax highlights a string or optionally returns it.
uniqid([string prefix , bool more_entropy])
stringGenerates a unique ID.
version_compare(string ver1, string ver2 [, string oper])
intCompares two PHP-standardized version number strings.
intReturns true if client disconnected.
intReturns the connection status bitfield. ...

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