D.6. Functions

The following tables detail the various default functions available in the Perl language.

D.6.1. Arithmetic Functions

abs exprReturns the absolute value of expr.
atan2 x,yReturns the arctangent of x/y.
cos exprReturns the cosine of expr.
exp exprReturns e (the natural logarithm base) to the power of expr.
int exprReturns the integer portion of expr.
log exprReturns the natural logarithm of expr.
rand [ expr ]Returns a random number between 0 and the value of expr. If expr is omitted, returns a value between 0 and 1.
sin exprReturns the sine of expr.
sqrt exprReturns the square root of expr.
srand [ expr ]Sets the random number seed for the rand operator.
timeReturns the number of seconds since January 1, 1970.

D.6.2. Conversion Functions

chr exprReturns the character represented by the decimal value expr.
gmtime exprReturns a 9-element array (0 = $sec, 1 = $min, 2 = $hour, 3 = $mday, 4 = $mon, 5 = $year, 6 = $wday, 7 = $yday, 8 = $isdst) with the time formatted for the Greenwich time zone. Note that expr should be in a form returned from a time function.
hex exprReturns the decimal value of expr, with expr interpreted as a hex string.
localtime exprReturns a 9-element array (0 = $sec, 1 = $min, 2 = $hour, 3 = $mday, 4 = $mon, 5 = $year, 6 = $wday, 7 = $yday, 8 = $isdst) with the time formatted for the local time zone. Note that expr should be in a form returned from a time function.
oct exprReturns the decimal value of expr, with expr interpreted as an ...

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