12.4. Defining Styles

Styles can be defined in several different ways and attached to a document. The most popular method for defining styles is to add a style block to the head of a document:

  <style type="text/css">
    Style definitions

Using this method, all style definitions are placed within a style element, delimited by <style> tags. The opening style tag has the following syntax:

<style type="MIME_type" media="destination_media">

In most cases, the MIME type is "text/css." The media attribute is typically not used unless the destination media is nontextual. The media attribute supports the following values:

  • all

  • aural

  • braille

  • embossed

  • handheld

  • print

  • projection

  • screen

  • tty

  • tv

Note that multiple definitions, each defining a style for a different medium, can appear in the same document. This powerful feature allows you to easily define styles for a variety of document usage and deployment.

Alternately, the style sheet can be contained in a separate document and linked to documents using the link (<link>) tag:

  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mystyles.css" />

The style sheet document, mystyles.css, contains the necessary styles:

p.heading { font-size: larger; font-style: italic; }

Then, when the style definitions in the external style sheet change, all documents that link to the external sheet reflect the change. This presents an easy way to modify a document's format—whether to affect new formatting for visual sake or for a specific purpose. ...

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