Author's Acknowledgments

More than anyone, I want to thank my husband, David LaFontaine, for his patience, love, delightful sense of humor, and all his help in the research and production of this book. Among his many contributions, he authored Chapters 1, 11, and 12. Dave, your intelligence and creativity inspire me, and your love brings me more joy than I could have imagined.

Thanks to my dear friend and mentor David Mitchell who helped me get started in my writing career many moons ago when he served as publisher of the Point Reyes Light newspaper.

Thanks to all four of my fabulous parents, Malinda, Janice, Helen, and Robin, for your love, support, and encouragement. Thanks to my brothers Brian and Kevin, and to Kevin's delightful wife Stephanie, and their amazing children Mikayla, Savannah, Jessica, and Calahan (you'll find their photos in the sample site in the Family Web sites chapter). Thanks also to all my extended family, which now includes David's large and wonderful collection of relatives, including Gail, Dave, Linda, Mark, Beth, Sarah, and everyone else in the LaFontaine, Roos, and other clans. Thanks to Jeff Noble for his contributions to Chapter 10 and for his careful tech editing and testing of all the lessons in this book. Thanks to the entire editorial team at Wiley Publishing, especially my acquisitions editor Bob Woerner, my development editor Becky Huehls, and everyone who helped to edit, produce, and develop this book.

And finally, let me thank my lucky stars that ...

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