Find Qualifiers

Each of the find functions can take an optional list of UDDI find qualifiers, which enable more precise search criteria. Table 8-2 provides a list of the most frequently used UDDI find qualifiers.

Table 8-2. Most frequently used UDDI find qualifiers

Find qualifier



Mandates an exact name match


Mandates that the search be case-sensitive


Sorts results by name in ascending alphabetic order


Sorts results by name in descending alphabetic order


Sorts results by date last updated in ascending chronological order


Sorts results by date last updated in descending chronological order


Mandates a sound-alike search for the specified name (UDDI 2.0 only)

The following example illustrates the use of the exactNameMatch qualifier:

<find_business generic="1.0" xmlns="urn:uddi-org:api">
   <name>Ariba, Inc</name>

UDDI’s search facilities are fairly comprehensive and may be enhanced in future versions.

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