Zip Code

Ah, the humble zip code. A five-digit number (in its shortest form) but there's so much you can do with it. Why? Because it's a unique identifier that's used by hundreds of millions of people. If you want to make sure your mail gets through, you've got to use it. It's both ubiquitous and unique.


Why not search for the state? Because you don't know if it's going to be GA or Georgia, and besides, the word “Georgia” might not appear at all. Just a city name is a much better bet.

Try this simple exercise: Pick a zip code and the city in which the zip code is located. For example, let's try Mershon, Georgia, with its zip code of 31551. Search for the word “Mershon” and the number 31551 in Google.

What have you found? At this writing, ...

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