Appendix 2 Useful websites




This is intended to provide some starting points for further research into the subjects contained in this book. It does not and cannot claim to be a fully comprehensive guide to sites that have some relevance to web radio. My apologies to all those people who are working hard to contribute to the development of web radio and whose hundreds (or possibly thousands) of websites I have not included.

It is essentially a list of sites I’ve included in the text of this book, plus a few more I’ve come across in my research. See also Appendix 3.

Streaming software products and information

Apple QuickTime home page
Apple QuickTime tutorial h­t­t­p­:­/­/­w­w­w­.a­p­p­l­e­.c­o­m­/­q­u­i­c­k­t­i­m­e­/­p­r­o­d­u­c­t­s­/­t­u­t­o­r­i­a­l­s­/­ ...

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