
This guide is intended for advanced administrators only. This is provided in good faith to expose as much information as possible to help administrators make a site that runs well. However, not all of these parameters are supported.

Do not tune the various values listed here without fully understanding exactly what you are doing. We cannot overstate the seriousness of changing these values without understanding them. We’ve seen many cases where someone heard of the internal tuning parameters we used in 2.0 and then called us with a critical escalation asking us to solve why their server suddenly stopped performing at all. So please, if your webserver is running fine out of the box as it should, please don’t change these values.

We believe the default tuning parameters are good for most all sites—with possible exception to the very large sites. The only parameter which we think large sites will regularly need to change is the RqThrottle parameter, and it is tunable from the Administration Server. The rest of these parameters deal with the fine details to help administrators understand how the webserver is working and to design content that will run well on the server.

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