
TIGER/Line Files


TIGER/Line files are created by the U.S. Census Bureau and cover the entire United States. They are often referred to simply as TIGER files. For more information, see

File listing

TIGER/Line files are text files and directory-based data sources. For example, one county folder TGR06059 contains several associated files:

    TGR06059.RT1 TGR06059.RT2 TGR06059.RT4 TGR06059.RT5
    TGR06059.RT6 TGR06059.RT7 TGR06059.RT8 TGR06059.RTA
    TGR06059.RTC TGR06059.RTH TGR06059.RTI TGR06059.RTP
    TGR06059.RTR TGR06059.RTS TGR06059.RTT TGR06059.RTZ

Data access/connection method

  • TIGER/Line access occurs through OGR.

  • The full path to the directory containing the associated files is required in the CONNECTION string. The layer number is added to the CONNECTION string, after the path, separated by a comma: for example., CONNECTION "/tiger/data,0".

  • The layer number in the map file is actually the ogrinfo layer number, minus one.

ogrinfo examples

Here's an example that uses ogrinfo on a TIGER directory to retrieve layer numbers:

    > ogrinfo TGR06059 (NOTE that this is a directory) ERROR 4: Tiger Driver doesn't support update. Had to open data source read-only. INFO: Open of 'TGR06059' using driver 'TIGER' successful. 1: CompleteChain (Line String) 2: AltName (None) 3: FeatureIds (None) 4: ZipCodes (None) 5: Landmarks (Point) 6: AreaLandmarks (None) 7: Polygon (None) 8: PolygonCorrections (None) 9: EntityNames (Point) 10: PolygonEconomic (None) 11: IDHistory ...

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