Chapter 16. Webpluck

Ed Hill

The promises of smart little web agents that run around the web and grab things of interest have gone unfulfilled. Like me, you probably have a handful of web pages that you check on a regular basis, and if you had the time, you’d check many more.

Listed below are a few of the bookmarks that I check on a regular basis. Each of these pages has content that changes every day, and it is, of course, the content of these pages that I am interested in—not their layout, nor the advertising that appears on the pages.

Dilbert (of course)
CNN U.S. News
Astronomy Picture of the Day
The local paper (The Daily Iowan)
ESPNET Sportszone

These pages are great sources of information. My problem is that I don’t have time to check each one every day to see what is there or if the page has been updated. What I want is my own personal newspaper built from the sources listed above.

Similar Tools

This is not an original idea, but after spending many hours searching for a tool to do what I wanted, I gave up. Here are the contenders I considered, and why they didn’t do quite what I wanted.

First there is the “smart” agent, a little gremlin that roams the net trying to guess what you want to see using some AI technique. Firefly was an example; you indicate interest in a particular topic and it points you at a list of sites that others have ranked. When I first looked at Firefly, it suggested that since I was interested in “computers and the internet,” I should check out ...

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