Destructuring Data

Clojure has a powerful mechanism called destructuring for declaratively accessing values in data structures. If you know the data structure’s type, you can describe it using a literal notation in the binding. Let’s look at some examples of what this means.

(​let​ [[smaller bigger] (​split-with​ #(​<​ % 5) (​range​ 10))]
(​println​ smaller bigger))
=>(0 1 2 3 4) (5 6 7 8 9)

Here we use split-with to split a range of ten numbers into a sequence containing two elements: numbers less than 5 and numbers greater than or equal to 5. The split-with function returns a sequence containing two elements: the first is the sequence of items that are less than 5, and the other is the ones that are greater. Since we know the result’s ...

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