
Next we’ll look at functions that return other functions as a result. One use for such functions is to provide behavior that is facilitated by constructors in object-oriented languages. For example, if you want to initialize some variables before using a function, you can do so as follows:

(​defn​ make-client [url]
(​fn​ [request] (​str​ ​"sending "​ request ​" to "​ url)))
(​let​ [client (make-client ​""​)]
(​println​ (client ​"request 1"​))
(​println​ (client ​"request 2"​)))

Here we create a function that accepts a url parameter and returns a function that accepts a request as its parameter. The inner function has access to the url variable since it’s defined in the same scope.

This type of function is called ...

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