The basics of Handlebars

Handlebars is a really simple and easy-to-use templating framework. Let's go through and explore the basic syntax of writing a Handlebars template.

Binding an object to the template

Let's assume the following JavaScript object is passed to a Handlebars template:

var model = {
  name: 'World'

The template file itself will contain the following markup:

  Hello {{ name }}!

This file will render to a browser in the following way:

Hello World!

Embedding presentation logic

Of course, there's a lot more that you can do than just this! Handlebars also supports conditional statements:

var model = { name: 'World', description: 'This will only appear because its set.' }; <div> Hello {{ name }}!<br/><br/> {{#if description}} <p>{{description}}</p> ...

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