Appendix R


Resizable Methods
Method Description Return Value
resizable(options) Makes the selected elements into resizable elements (see “Resizable Options”). jQuery
resizable('destroy') Completely removes resizable functionality. jQuery
resizable('disable') Temporarily disables resizable functionality. jQuery
resizable('enable') Enables resizable functionality. jQuery
resizable('option') Returns an object of all currently set options as an object of key, value pairs. Object
resizable('option', optionName) Returns the specified option's value. Mixed
resizable('option', optionName, value) Sets the specified option to the specified value. jQuery
Resizable Options
Option Description Type
alsoResize One or more elements that should be resizing simultaneously with the resizable element.Default value: false Selector, jQuery, Element
animate Animates to the final size after resizing.Default value: false Boolean
animateDuration Duration time for animating. Accepts the time in milliseconds (ms), or one of 'slow', 'normal', or 'fast'.Default value: 'slow' Number, String
animateEasing Easing effect for animation.Default value: 'swing' String
aspectRatio When set to true, resizing is constrained by the original aspect ratio. If an alternative ratio is wanted, you can submit a number and then the aspect ratio will be constrained by height\width.Default value: false Boolean, Number
autoHide When set to true, automatically hides the handles except ...

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