



Defines a collection of frames or other framesets.


Core(id, class, style, title), onload, onunload

border=" number "

Nonstandard. Sets frame border thickness (in pixels) between all the frames in a frameset (when the frame border is turned on). Mozilla browsers do not support border.

bordercolor="#rrggbb" or "color name"

Nonstandard. Sets a border color for all the borders in a frameset. Mozilla and Opera browsers do not support bordercolor.

cols="list of lengths"(number, percentage, or *)

Establishes the number and sizes of columns (vertical frames) in a frameset. The number of columns is determined by the number of values in the list. Size specifications can be in absolute pixel values, percentage values, or relative values (*) based on available space.

frameborder="1|0"; "yes|no"

Nonstandard. Determines whether 3D separators are drawn between frames in the frameset. A value of 1 (or yes) turns the borders on; 0 (or no) turns the borders off. Netscape also supports values of 1 and 0. The Frameset DTD does not include the frameborder attribute for the frameset element.

rows=" list of lengths " ( number , percentage , or * )

Establishes the number and size of rows (horizontal frames) in the frameset. The value is a comma-separated list of measurements. The number of rows is determined by the number of values in the list. Size specifications can be in absolute pixel values, percentage values, or relative values (*) based on available ...

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