Automatic Layout

The automatic layout model is essentially the same model used for HTML tables for years in which tables expand to fit the width of the content. In CSS, the auto value for table-layout ensures this method will be used to size the table regardless of the browser default.

Because automatic layout is content dependent, the browser must calculate the width of the content in every cell. The real process is fairly complicated, but what it boils down to is this:

  • First, the browser calculates the minimum and maximum width of every cell in the table.

  • A comparison of the cells in a column sets the minimum and maximum width for that column. The result is that columns are forced to be as wide as their widest cell.

  • Once the column widths are determined, the browser turns to the table width setting. If the table width is auto, then the width of the table will be the sum of the column widths, borders, and cell spacing. In other words, it will only be as wide as it needs to be to accommodate the content.

  • If it is something other than auto, then the sum of the columns plus borders and spacing are compared to the computed width of the table (the width of the table based on other page criteria such as browser window width). If the table’s computed width is larger, then the columns are expanded equally to fill the space.

Even with this brief summary of the automatic width calculation method, it is easy to see why this method is more labor-intensive for the browser. Despite the extra processing ...

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