SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)

The W3C is developing the Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) standard for describing two-dimensional graphics in XML. SVG allows for three types of graphic objects: vector graphic shapes (paths consisting of straight lines and curves), images, and text. The following sample SVG code (taken from the W3C Recommendation) creates an SVG document fragment that contains a red circle with a blue outline (stroke):

<?xml version="1.0" standalone="no"?>
<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 20001102//EN"
<svg width="12cm" height="4cm">
   <desc>Example circle01 - circle expressed in physical units</desc>
   <circle cx="6cm" cy="2cm" r="1cm"
           style="fill:red; stroke:blue; stroke-width:0.1cm" />

The SVG standard provides ways to describe paths, fills, a variety of shapes, special filters, text, and basic animation. When using SVG within another XML document type, identify its namespace as

To view SVG graphics, you must have an SVG viewer installed. The most popular is Adobe’s SVG Viewer (available as a free download at, which allows SVG documents to display in a browser window. Adobe also includes tools for creating SVG files in Illustrator and GoLive. (As of this writing, it is unclear whether Adobe will continue to support GoLive now that it has acquired Macromedia.)

For more information on SVG and lists of all available viewers, editors, and converters, ...

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