America Online

Beginning with Windows AOL 3.0 (32 bit), the AOL client does not have a browser embedded, but instead uses the Internet Explorer browser users already have installed in their systems. Therefore, browser compatibility is mostly independent of a user’s specific AOL version. The scant 1 to 2% of AOL subscribers with Macintoshes use an AOL browser that is built on Gecko.

As of this writing, approximately 97% of AOL users view the Web on Windows machines using Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher. Unfortunately, Internet Explorer’s functionality is limited somewhat when used in conjunction with the AOL client. This is due to the way the specific AOL clients interact with the browser and AOL’s reliance on proxy servers and image compression techniques.

AOL publishes a site specifically for web developers who want their sites to be accessible and attractive to AOL users. AOL’s web developer site can be found at

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