Chapter 1: Starting with a Plan

In This Chapter

check.png Determining the site’s purpose

check.png Building a site image

check.png Determining site content

check.png Diagnosing the site’s dynamic requirements


At the start of any website project, you — and your client, if you’re designing for someone else — should sit down to think about (or discuss) your ideas about the final product. If those ideas are vague, you need to flesh them out, and if they’re specific, you need to keep them organized and understand the purpose behind them. In other words, you need a plan.

To get the project off to a good start and ensure that all of your ideas and issues get the consideration they deserve, begin by pinpointing the purpose for building the website. The purpose is like an arrow that points you in the right direction. Some people build websites to sell a product or service. Others create sites to share ideas and information. One might also create a site to promote a good cause, educate the public, or simply have a place for family ...

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