Quick Start Guide

This section is a quick start guide to loading the sample winestore database and understanding the design of the winestore database that is used in examples throughout this book.

Loading the Winestore Database

A local copy of the winestore database is required to test the examples in this and later chapters. MySQL must be installed and configured before the winestore database can be loaded. MySQL installation instructions can be found in Appendix A.

The steps to load the winestore database are as follows:

  1. Download a copy of the winestore database from this book’s web site; look for winestore.database.tar.gz.

  2. Uncompress the winestore database package in any directory by running:

    gzip -d winestore.database.tar.gz
  3. Untar the tape archive file by running:

    tar xvf winestore.database.tar

    A list of files extracted is output.

  4. Check that MySQL is running using:

    /usr/local/bin/mysqladmin -uroot -ppassword version

    where password is the root user password. If MySQL isn’t running, log in as the Linux root user, and start the MySQL server using:

    /usr/local/bin/safe_mysqld --user=mysql &
  5. Run the MySQL command-line interpreter using the username and password created when MySQL was installed, and load the winestore data. The login name is username, and the password is password:

    /usr/local/bin/mysql -uusername -ppassword < winestore.database
  6. After the loading is complete—it may take a few seconds—the database can be tested by running a query. Type the following command on one line: ...

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