2.8. Your Chapter 2 Checklist

  • Become a goal setter, and you will soon discover yourself accomplishing more in less time than before you started setting goals.

  • Set productivity goals to keep yourself on track and make sure you are doing what you need to do to be a success.

  • Set production goals (total units sold or gross sales as a dollar amount) as benchmarks to measure your success.

  • Set deadlines to limit the amount of time you have to achieve each goal. Open-ended goals are nothing more than pipedreams.

  • Break your goals into milestones to make them less overwhelming.

  • Reward yourself to make achieving your goals more worthwhile and to give yourself something meaningful to work for.

  • Create a goal/reward collage to constantly remind yourself of what you are working for.

  • Share your goals with others who support your efforts.

  • Consider rewarding yourself in advance and then working hard to pay for your reward.

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