20.7. Your Chapter 20 Checklist

  • Instead of resisting change or simply accepting it, embrace it; this will help you grab market share from your competitors who hesitate.

  • Be prepared to adjust to changes in what customers are buying, how they shop, and how they buy, and changes in your industry.

  • Every problem is an opportunity. Just think about it: Every invention is a solution to a problem.

  • As rainmaker, you are the visionary who needs to have the foresight to see opportunities before your competitors have the chance to capitalize on them first.

  • Keep track of what works and what doesn't; do more of what works and less of what doesn't.

  • Set a productive pace that challenges both yourself and your team members without burning out your most talented and productive personnel.

  • You'll know you're a rainmaker when you control the outcome, even when you are not in control of the circumstances or market conditions.

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