Chapter 17. Becoming a Lifelong Learner

You are only as good as the people you meet, the books you read, and the tapes you listen to.

— —Charlie "Tremendous" Jones

The pace of change both in the world and in the sales profession is rapidly accelerating. Technology is streamlining operations, transforming neighborhoods into global communities, and enabling salespeople to go mobile. You can now vacation on the French Riviera while following up with clients in Colorado. In addition, selling is becoming more of a team sport, empowering sales teams to increase efficiency and boost both productivity and profits.

To thrive in this world of ever-increasing change, you have to keep up with the latest information and technology. You must constantly educate yourself in order to adapt and take advantage of new tools and opportunities that change delivers to your doorstep. You must become a lifelong learner.

Yet, when I talk to many people in the sales profession, I hear all too frequently that they just "don't have the time to keep up." I know agents who subscribe to excellent magazines like Selling Success and don't even take the time to read these valuable publications—publications that could ultimately save them tons more time than is required to read the articles! Some salespeople refuse to attend industry conferences, falsely assuming that they are a big waste of time and resources. Many salespeople won't even crack open a book to learn a new sales or marketing technique or listen to ...

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