DOM events and v-on

We can handle DOM events within Vue by using v-on. By listening to DOM events, we're able to react to user input with everything from key-down events (such as clicking the Enter button) to button click events and more.

Let's make a playground project to try this in our own project:

# Create a new Vue project$ vue init webpack-simple vue-on# Navigate to directory$ cd vue-on# Install dependencies$ npm install# Run application$ npm run dev

Let's imagine an input box such that, when we either hit the Add button or hit the Enter key, the input gets added to an array:

<template> <div id="app">  <ul>   <li v-for="(p, index) in person" :key="index">    {{p}}   </li>  </ul> <input type="text" v-model="person" v-on:keyup.enter="addPerson" ...

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