
1-1VSAM functions by release level2
1-2Comparison of ESDS, KSDS, RRDS, VRRDS, and linear data sets25
2-1this table compares the RECOVERY and SPEED options60
2-2Region JCL parameter63
2-3Parameters affecting buffer allocation65
2-4NSR: Read sequential varying the number of buffers.71
2-5NSR - Initial Load mode varying the number of buffers73
2-6NSR buffering with direct access; STRNO=176
2-7Direct access: benefits of using SMB: Updates and insertions86
2-8Some effects of ACB’s MACRF and storage class BIAS parameters86
2-9Initial load mode comparing SMB with no-SMB buffering87
2-10SMB: AIX support with Data Set Name Sharing (MACRF=DSN)88
2-11SMB: AIX support with DDname Sharing (MACRF=DDN)89
2-12SMB: AIX support for DO, no VSAM control block structures ...

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