Absolute category rating (ACR):

defined, 481482

voice quality measurements, 429

Acknowledgement (ACK) signal:

call wait ID flow, PSTN, 194196

call wait ID in VoIP, 197198

Acoustic echo canceller (AEC), 120123

Acoustic interfaces, voice over internet protocol, 2627

Active monitoring, voice quality objective measurements, 429434

Adaptation filtering algorithms, echo cancellation, 132137

adaptive transversal filter, LMS, 133135

affine projection algorithm, 137138

block NLMS algorithm, 135136

control functions, 137144

leaky LMS, 136

RLS/affine projections, 136137

RLS disadvantages, 137

Adapter components, voice over internet protocol, 2831

IP PBX adapter, 40

residential gateway, 3335

voice and fax software, 3133

voice flow, 31

Adaptive differential pulse code modulation (ADPCM):

cordless phones, 455

voice compression, 6061

Adaptive jitter buffer (AJB):

algorithms overview, 230239

basic properties, 223228

defined, 477

implementation guidelines, 239241

non-talk-spurt-based adjustments, 226, 233234

playout-based timing reference and talk-spurts, 231232

spike playout, 232233

talk-spurt-based adjustments, 225226

voice flow and delay variations mapping, 227228

voice quality estimation:

packet flow impediments, 451

silence zone utilization, 451452

Adaptive multirate (AMR) codec:

packet-loss compression, 109

transcoding and conference operations, 454455

voice compression, 68

wideband (AMR-WB) coded, 6970

Adaptive transversal filter with LMS, echo cancellation, ...

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