Requesting the HTTP GET REST API via Python

In this example, we will perform an HTTP GET REST API request via Python:

  1. Open a text editor, input the following code and save it into the .py extension, for example
# Import Requests library import requests # NSX Variables nsxmanager = 'https://nsxmgr-01a.corp.local' nsxurl = '/api/2.0/services/usermgmt/user/admin' nsxheaders = {'Content-Type': 'application/xml'} nsxuser = 'admin' nsxpass = 'VMware1!' # REST API call using requests.get function from request library. Set verify to False to ignore SSL response = requests.get(nsxmanager + nsxurl, auth = (nsxuser, nsxpass), verify = False, headers = nsxheaders) # Print HTTP Response Code print (response) # Print XML Content print ...

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