6.5. Locating the Team on the VSS Roadmap

This project was cast as a formal Six Sigma project, following the DMAIC structure. Let's take a step back to see how the team's application of the DMAIC cycle fits with the Visual Six Sigma Data Analysis Process and with the Visual Six Sigma Roadmap (Exhibits 3.29 and 3.30).

  • Frame the Problem corresponds to the Define phase.

  • Collect Data corresponds to the Measure phase. Here, the team collected data for its MSA studies and for the baseline control chart. The team also collected a set of historical data that relates Color Rating, the team's primary, but nominal, Y, to four continuous Ys, namely Thickness, L*, a*, and b*, that provide more detailed information than Color Rating.

  • Uncover Relationships occurs in the Analyze phase. The team members first visualized the five variables using the Distribution platform. In this report, they dynamically explored relationships between Color Rating and Thickness, L*, a*, and b*. They constructed a plot using Graph Builder that summarized this information. Next, they dynamically visualized the variables two at a time with a scatterplot matrix and then three at a time using Scatterplot 3D.

  • Model Relationships, which will occur in the next section, bridges the Analyze and Improve phases. Here the team members identify and determine the impact of potential Hot Xs by modeling the relationships between the Xs and the Ys and optimizing settings of the Xs.

  • Revise Knowledge, where a team addresses the question ...

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