

abstraction, 3


completing before processing, 54–55

data flowing through, 53

passing control between, 51

performing, 155–157

as round-cornered rectangle, 50

active classes, 101

activities, 50, 54–55

activity diagram window, 51–52

activity diagrams

actions, 50–51

activity partitions, 55

Browse Catalog use case, 57

control flows, 51

decision points, 52–53

forking and joining flows of control, 54–55

icons, 179

initial and final nodes, 56–57

notation, 180

object flows, 53

representing page flow, 124

Use Case model, 124

activity group icons, 179

activity partitions, 55

actors, 27

capabilities provided to, 31–32

communicating with use cases, 25

creation, 29

dialogue with system, 31–32

documenting, 30–31

ESU Course Registration System, ...

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