Checking It

Select the correct answer to the following questions.

Multiple Choice

1:In order for a control to support tabbing, what property(s) must be set on the control?
  1. TabOrder.

  2. TabIndex.

  3. TabOrder and TabIndex.

  4. None, controls do not support tabbing.

  1. Support exclusive options.

  2. Look like knobs.

  3. Work like regular buttons.

  4. All of the above.

3:Which control allows grouping of child controls?
  1. RadioButton.

  2. CheckBox.

  3. GroupBox.

  4. ListBox.

4:Buttons can display an image:
  1. By setting the Image property.

  2. By setting the ImageList and ImageIndex properties.

  3. Both a and b.

  4. None of the above.

5:What is the first event sent to a control prior to getting input ...

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