Checking It

Select the correct answer to the following questions.

Multiple Choice

1:What are the two possible modes that forms can be in?
  1. Public and private.

  2. Modal and shared.

  3. Modal and modeless.

  4. None of the above.

2:What are Accelerator keys?
  1. Keyboard shortcuts for menus and controls.

  2. Keys that type faster than others.

  3. Keys that specify the Tab order.

  4. All of the above.

3:In Microsoft .NET, forms are:
  1. Windows.

  2. Used to display data and gather user input.

  3. Either modal or modeless.

  4. All of the above.

4:Accelerator keys are defined using:
  1. Brackets.

  2. Parentheses.

  3. Ampersand.


5:Events are:
  1. Special times to install Microsoft .NET.

  2. Special times when forms, controls, ...

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