Checking It

Select the correct answer to the following questions.

Multiple Choice

1:By array dimension you understand:
  1. The number of elements the array holds.

  2. The measure of the array in one direction (coordinate).

  3. The structure of the memory location for the array.

  4. The size of the array as a whole.

2:An array element can be accessed by:
  1. Its name.

  2. Its index in the array.

  3. Dot-notation using the array name followed by its index.

  4. Specifying its position using an index for each dimension of the array.

3:How many elements hold an array declared as Dim a(2, 3, 4) As Integer?
  1. 45.

  2. 60.

  3. 345.

  4. As many as required; it will grow to accommodate new elements.

4:Can enumeration ...

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