Getting the Contents of an Event Log

Event log entries can be obtained individually for evaluation by your program. The EventLog.Entries property returns an array of EventLogEntry objects. You can iterate through the array to look for specific kinds of entries or just print all entries, as the code in Listing 20.1 demonstrates.

Listing 20.1. Iterating over EventLogEntry objects
						1:    Private Sub DisplayEntries(ByVal LogName As String)
						3:      If (Not EventLog.Exists(LogName)) Then Exit Sub
						5:      TextBox1.Clear()
6:      Dim Log As New EventLog(LogName)
7:      Try
						9:        Dim Entry As EventLogEntry
10:       For Each Entry In Log.Entries
11:         TextBox1.Text = TextBox1.Text & Entry.Message & _
12:           vbCrLf
13:       Next
						15:     Finally
16:       Log = Nothing
17:     End Try
						19: ...

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