To select data into XML objects, you can use syntax similar to the syntax you use to build an XML literal. You then add the special characters <%= ... %> to indicate a “hole” within the literal. Inside the hole, you replace the ellipsis with a LINQ query that extracts data from Visual Basic objects and uses them to build new XML objects.

For example, suppose the all_customers list contains Customer objects. The following code builds an XElement object that contains Customer XML elements for all of the Customer objects:

Dim x_all As XElement = _
        <%= From cust In all_customers
            Select New XElement("Customer",
            New XAttribute("FirstName", cust.FirstName),
            New XAttribute("LastName", cust.LastName),
            New XText(cust.Balance.ToString("0.00")))

The following text shows a sample of the resulting XML element:

  <Customer FirstName="Ann" LastName="Archer">100.00</Customer>
  <Customer FirstName="Ben" LastName="Best">-24.54</Customer>
  <Customer FirstName="Carly" LastName="Cant">62.40</Customer>

You can have more than one hole in the XML literal. The following code uses an XML literal that contains two holes. The first uses a Where clause to select customers with non-negative balances, and the second selects customers with negative balances. It places these two groups of customers inside different sub-elements within the resulting XML.

' Separate customers with positive and negative balances. Dim separated As XElement = ...

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