

1-Click deployment, 884

3-D graphics, Silverlight applications, 908

64-bit browsers, support, 928


* (multiplication) operator, 155

+ (addition) operator, 155, 313

- (pointer to address in memory) keyword, 95

- (subtraction) operator, 155, 313

/ (division) operator, 155, 313

<> (inequality) operator, 104, 164, 313

< (less than) operator, 164, 313

<< (left-shift) operator, 162, 313

<= (less than or equal to) operator, 164, 313

= (equality) operator, 126, 164, 313, 570

> (greater than) operator, 164, 313

>= (greater than to equal to) operator, 164, 313

>> (right-shift) operator, 162, 313

\ (integer division) operator, 155, 313

^ (exponentiation) operator, 155, 313

_(underscore) character, 70, 265, 355, 552


ABC (Address, Binding, ...

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