About the Authors

Tim Patrick is a software architect and developer of custom software solutions targeting Microsoft Windows and Web-based users. Tim has over 20 years of experience in software development and software architecture, and is a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD). He wrote The Visual Basic DEFANGED_STYLEGuide and its successor, The Visual Basic .NET Style Guide, and recently co-authored O'Reilly's Visual Basic 2005 in a Nutshell.

John Clark Craig's programming experiences and interests go back quite a ways. In 1974 he was programming a DEC PDP8E attached to a teletype and running a paper tape loaded version of FOCAL, a simple programming language similar to BASIC. Over the years, John programmed in just about every version of the BASIC language available, and authored several books on the subject along the way. During John's career as a full-time Software Engineer, he has worked on several fascinating energy and environmental projects. Currently, he's enjoying his software guru position working with a small team of bright R&D engineers as they create the next generation of high-tech self-erecting towers for the world's largest wind turbines.

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