
Note: Page numbers followed by “f” and “t” indicate figures and tables respectively


Administrative network share (ADMINS), 67
ADMINS. See Administrative network share
airmon-ng start wlan0 command, 172
Anonymous email, 236237
crafting, 237, 239241
local email server, 238239
malicious spam email sending, 241242
phishing with Smtplib, 239
using Smtplib, 237238
Application artifact investigation, 100
See also Python
Firefox sqlite3 databases, 108116
Skype database queries, 108
using Python to, 102
using sqlite3 to, 102, 107108
Skype sqlite3 database, 100102


BackTrack distribution, 4
BeautifulSoup, image downloading with, 9697
BlueBug attack, 208
BlueBugging phone, 208209
worm, 208
installing Python Bluetooth packages, ...

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