
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


! (exclamation point), for inverted pattern, The .gitignore File
# (pound sign)
for comments, A Merge with a Conflict
in .gitmore file, The .gitignore File
$GIT_DIR variable, refs and symrefs
' (quotes), for ref as single word, The Reflog
* (asterisk)
branch name restrictions and, Dos and Don’ts in Branch Names
globbing, The .gitignore File
in git show-branch output, Viewing Branches
+ (plus sign)
in diff, Diffs, git diff with conflicts
in git show-branch output, Viewing Branches
in refspec, The refspec
and location for split operation, Interactive Hunk Staging
when viewing commit differences, Viewing Commit Differences
+++ (triple plus signs), in diff, Diffs
- (minus sign)
in diff, Diffs, git diff with conflicts
in git show-branch output, Viewing Branches
and location for split operation, Interactive Hunk Staging
-- (double dash) operand separator, The Git Command Line
--- (triple minus signs)
in diff, Diffs
. (dot)
branch name restrictions and, Dos and Don’ts in Branch Names
for current directory, Adding a File to Your Repository
.. (double period)
for commit range, Commit Ranges
in git diff command, git diff and Commit Ranges
... (triple period), symmetric difference, ...

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