About the Authors

Jon Loeliger is a freelance software engineer who contributes to Open Source projects such as Linux, U-Boot, and Git. He has given tutorial presentations on Git at many conferences including Linux World, and has written several papers on Git for Linux Magazine.In prior lives, Jon has spent a number of years developing highly optimizing compilers, router protocols, Linux porting, and the occasional game. Jon holds degrees in Computer Science from Purdue University. In his spare time, he is a home winemaker.

Matthew McCullough, Vice President of Training for GitHub.com, is an energetic 15-year veteran of enterprise software development, world-traveling open source educator, and co-founder of a US consultancy. All these activities provide him avenues of sharing success stories of leveraging Git and GitHub. Matthew is a contributing author to the Gradle and Jenkins O'Reilly books, as well as the creator of the Git Master Class series for O'Reilly. Matthew also regularly speaks on the No Fluff Just Stuff Java symposium series. He is the author of the DZone Git RefCard, and president of the Denver Open Source Users Group.

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