Using git cherry-pick

The command git cherry-pick commit applies the changes introduced by the named commit on the current branch. It will introduce a new, distinct commit. Strictly speaking, using git cherry-pick doesn’t alter the existing history within a repository; instead, it adds to the history.

As with other Git operations that introduce changes via the process of applying a diff, you may need to resolve conflicts to fully apply the changes from the given commit.

The command git cherry-pick is typically used to introduce particular commits from one branch within a repository onto a different branch. A common use is to forward- or back-port commits from a maintenance branch to a development branch.

In Figure 10-4, the dev branch has normal development, while the rel_2.3 contains commits for the maintenance of release 2.3.

Before git cherry-pick of one commit

Figure 10-4. Before git cherry-pick of one commit

During the course of normal development, a bug is fixed on the development line with commit F. If that bug turns out to be present in the 2.3 release also, the bug fix, F, can be made to the rel_2.3 branch using git cherry-pick:

$ git checkout rel_2.3

$ git cherry-pick dev~2      # commit F, above

After cherry-pick, the graph resembles Figure 10-5.

After git cherry-pick of one commit

Figure 10-5. After git cherry-pick of one commit

In Figure 10-5, commit ...

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