
Join Function


result = Join(sourcearray, [delimiter])

Use: Required

Datatype: Variant

Array whose elements are to be concatenated.


Use: Optional

Data Subtype: String

Character used to delimit the individual values in the string.

Return Value

A Variant with a subtype String.


Concatenates an array of values into a delimited string using a specified delimiter.

Rules at a Glance

  • If no delimiter is specified, the space character is used as a delimiter.

  • The individual members of sourcearray can be any data subtype except object. In fact, the individual members of sourcearray can be objects as long as the object’s default member is not another object. For example, the Join function in the code fragment:

    Set oFS = WScript.CreateObject("Scripting.FIleSystemObject")
    Set oDrive1 = oFS.Drives("C")
    Set oDrive2 = oFS.DRives("D")
    Set vArr(0) = oDrive1
    Set vArr(1) = oDrive2
    sJoin = Join(vArr, ",")

    returns the string "C:,D:“.

  • When a delimiter is specified, unused sourcearray elements are noted in the return string by the use of the delimiter. For example, if you specify a delimiter of “,” and a source array with 11 elements of which only the first two are used, Join returns a string similar to the following:


Programming Tips & Gotchas

The Join function is ideal for quickly and efficiently writing out a comma-delimited text file from an array of values.

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