
InstrRev Function


InstrRev(sourcestring, soughtstring[, start[, compare]])

Use: Required

Data Subtype: String

The string to be searched.


Use: Required

Data Subtype: String

The substring to be found within sourcestring.


Use: Optional

Data Subtype: Numeric

Starting position of the search. If no value is specified, start defaults to 1.


Use: Optional

Data Subtype: Integer

The method that compares soughtstring with sourcestring ; its value can be vbBinaryCompare or vbTextCompare

Return Value

Variant of subtype Long.


Determines the starting position of a substring within a string by searching from the end of the string to its beginning.

Rules at a Glance

  • While InStr searches a string from left to right, InStrRev searches a string from right to left.

  • vbBinaryCompare is case-sensitive; that is, InstrRev matches both character and case, whereas vbTextCompare is case-insensitive, matching only character, regardless of case.

  • The default value for compare is vbBinaryCompare.

  • start designates the starting point of the search and is the number of characters from the start of the string.

  • If start is omitted, the search begins from the last character in sourcestring.

  • sourcestring is the complete string in which you want to find the starting position of a substring.

  • If soughtstring isn’t found, InStrRev returns 0.

  • If soughtstring is found within sourcestring , the value returned by InStrRev is the position of sourcestring from the start of the string. ...

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