
Class . . . End Class Statement


[accessmodifier] [Shadows] [inheritability] Class Name
End Class
accessmodifier optional; Keyword

The possible values of accessmodifier are Public, Private, and Friend

Shadows optional; Keyword

Indicates that the Name class shadows any element of this same name in a base class

inheritability optional; Keyword

One of the keywords, MustInherit or NotInheritable, must be used. MustInherit specifies that objects of this class cannot be created, but that objects of derived classes can be created. NotInheritable specifies that this class cannot be used as a base class

Name required; String literal

The name of the class


Defines a class and delimits the statements that define that class’ variables, properties, and methods.

If the Inherits or Implements statements appear in a class module, they must appear before any other statements in the module. Moreover, the Inherits keyword must appear before the Implements keyword.

Within a class code block, members are declared as Public, Private, Protected, Friend, or Protected Friend. The Dim keyword is equivalent to Private when used in class modules (but it is equivalent to Public in structures). Property declarations are automatically Public.

The Class...End Class construct can include the following elements:

Private variable or procedure declarations

These items are accessible within the class but do not have scope outside of the class.

Public variable or procedure declarations

Public ...

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