
Replace Function — Microsoft.VisualBasic.Strings


Replace(expression, find, replace [, start[, _
        count[, compare]]])
expression required; String

The complete string containing the substring to be replaced

find required; String

The substring to be found by the function

replace required; String

The new substring to replace find in expression

start optional; Long

The character position in expression at which the search for find begins

count optional; Long

The number of instances of find to replace

compare optional; CompareMethod constant

The method used to compare find with expression; its value can be CompareMethod.Binary (for case-sensitive comparison) or CompareMethod.Text (for case-insensitive comparison)

Return Value

The return value from Replace depends on the parameters you specify in the argument list, as the following table shows:


Return value

expression = “”

Zero-length string (“”)

find = “”

Copy of expression

replace = “”

Copy of expression with all instances of find removed

start > Len(expression)

Zero-length string (“”)

count = 0

Copy of expression


Replaces a given number of instances of a specified substring in another string.

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